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Support the development of mods you enjoy, while earning exclusive donor perks.

Creating mods for GTA is fun, but is also a lot of work. With thousands of hours of development and hundreds of thousands of lines of code put into my mods, I'm amazed by how far this little hobby project has gone, and how much further it has left to go.

My mods will always be free for gamers to download and play for personal enjoyment. However, if you'd like to make a donation to show your appreciation for these many long hours, I'm pleased to now offer some special perks in return.

Choose the donation level you want, then get ready for your perks!

On the donation confirmation page, you can enter any custom amount and whether you want a monthly or one-time donation. Enter any amount you feel like donating – every donation is greatly appreciated! If you choose to donate between perk levels you will receive all benefits of the highest level you exceeded. Make sure to include your username in the confirmation form!

Please feel free to contact me with donation questions!

[email protected]
For questions or support with my mods, please post in the appropriate forum on
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Donating to PNWParksFan is not a purchase. All donations are given freely, with no guarantee of any service, product, or benefit in return.
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